Business Spotlight Plus 11/2021: Hörverständnis

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    The listening exercises in Business Spotlight Plus (p.15) are based on the article “Popping off” (Names & News, p. 7). Here, we provide you with the audio file and transcript.

    Popping off

    Some firms are now offering surprise “pop-up” holidays, as a way of fighting staff burnout. Opinion is divided, however, on whether such spontaneous day offfreier Tagdays off help employees or cause even more stress.

    “If people see that things like this are happening spontaneously, that’s an indicationZeichen, Indizindication that the company is being to be responsivereagieren; auch: darauf eingehenresponsive, and responsiveness is the key thingzentrales Elementkey thing,” Jamie Gruman, a professor of organizational behaviour at Ontario’s University of Guelph, told the BBC.

    Samantha Ettus, author of The pieKuchen; Pastete (Anspielung auf „pie chart“ = Tortendiagramm)Pie Life: A guilt-freehier: ohne schlechtes GewissenGuilt-Free recipeRezept; FormelRecipe for Success and Satisfaction, disagrees. She thinks surprise holidays are helpful only for “someone who’s single and has a spontaneous lifestyle”.

    Companies know that pop-up holidays can’t be their only weapon in the fight against employee stress. Lisa Finnegan, LinkedIn’s vice president of international human resourcesPersonal(wesen)human resources, explains: “There’s still a lot of work to do on employee wellness, and we’re going to need to keep to come up with sth.sich etw. einfallen lassencoming up with creative ideas.”