Business Spotlight Plus 8/2021: Hörverständnis

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    The listening exercises in Business Spotlight Plus (p.15) are based on the article “Business class” (Names & News, p. 7). Here, we provide you with the audio file and transcript.

    Business class

    Trent Smyth, director of the Australian Grand Prix Corporation, needed help during the Covid19 pandemic. He had been forced to cancel several multimillion-dollar car-racing events. He turned to a six-week online course at the University of Oxford’s Saïd business schoolFakultät für WirtschaftswissenschaftenBusiness School on strategic alignmentAusrichtungalignment in the face of disruptionUmwälzung(en), tiefgreifender Wandeldisruption.

    “If you’d told me two years ago that I had to be effective in my rolehier: Position, Funktionroles without events, I would have told you it couldn’t be done,” Smyth told the Financial Times. “But the course showed me how to … consider the real purpose of what we do.”

    Crisis management, leading scatteredverstreutscattered workforceBelegschaftworkforces, reorganizing operations — business schools worldwide quickly created courses for business leaders trying to to figure sth. outetw. herausfindenfigure out how to lead their business through the pandemic. Now, the schools are preparing for the post-Covid-19 future. They expect leaders to need help to navigate sth.etw. befahren; hier: sich in etw. zurechtfindennavigating a changed business world.