Business Spotlight Plus 6/2022: Hörverständnis

    Medium US
    architecture in Afrika
    © picture alliance/AP

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    The listening exercises in Business Spotlight Plus (p.15) are based on the article “Architect of beauty” (Names & News, p. 8). Here, we provide you with the audio file and transcript.

    Architect of beauty

    The Pritzker Prize is known as the Nobel Prize for architecture. For the first time, an architect from Africa has won this prestigiousrenommiertprestigious award. Diébédo Francis Kéré has to design sth.etw. entwerfendesigned stunningüberwältigend, spektakulärstunning buildings in his home country, Burkina Faso, as well as across Africa, the US and Europe, such as the 2017 serpentineserpentinenförmigSerpentine Pavilion in London.
    Many of his buildings are functional structures, such as schools and healthcare facilityGesundheitseinrichtunghealthcare facilities. The designs not only look beautiful, but also improve the experience of the people who use them, for example by filtering natural light as protection from the hot sun. “Architecture is an instrument we can use to create better cities, to create space to inspire people, to create classrooms which inspire the best generation,” he told the BBC.
    Kéré, 56, was the first child in his community to go to school, and later, he studied architecture in Germany. Wherever his designs are built, they are always inspired by the trees and landscape of his homeland.