Business Spotlight Plus 6/2021: Hörverständnis

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    The listening exercises in Business Spotlight Plus (p.15) are based on the article “Driving diversity” (Names & News, p. 7). Here, we provide you with the audio file and transcript.

    Driving diversity

    “I’m the bandleader. I’m a person of colorNicht-Weiße(r)person of color, and that adds a fascinating dimension to our story,” says Mellody Hobson of her new role as chairwoman(Vorstands-)Vorsitzendechairwoman of coffee giant Starbucks. The company announced new management diversity goals in 2020, and 51-year-old Hobson, the only black chairwoman of a Fortune 500 company, is now responsible for turning those goals into reality. For that, she is the perfect candidate. Hobson is co-CEO of asset managementVermögensverwaltungasset management company Ariel Investments, one of the most important black investors in the U.S. “It’s going to be super hard to be a Fortune 500 company without a diverse person on your boardVorstand, Geschäftsleitungboard,” she told The Wall Street Journal. Hobson also believes that managers have to be made accountableverantwortlichaccountable for to drive sth.hier: etw. voranbringendriving diversity and that their pay needs to be to be tied to etw. gekoppelt seintied to achievements in this area: “That’s where the rubber meets the road (US) (ifml.)worauf es ankommtwhere the rubber meets the road,” she says.