Business Spotlight Plus 4/2023: Hörverständnis

    Medium US
    Protesting U.S. police tactics
    © Foto: action press

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    The listening exercises in Business Spotlight Plus (p. 5) are based on the article “Cost and effect” (Names & News, p. 9). Here, we provide you with the audio file and transcript.

    Cost and effect

    George Floyd died while being arrested by Minneapolis police officers in 2020. The mass protests that followed drew the world’s attention to the widespread outrageEmpörungoutrage at U.S. police tactics. The angerZorn, Wutanger had been building for years, however, with complaints often to settle sth.etw. beilegen, bereinigensettled at taxpayers’ at sb.’s expenseauf jmds. Kostenexpense. The Washington Post has reported that more than $3.2 billionMilliarde(n)billion had been spent over the past decade to settle tens of thousands of disputes over police conductVerhaltenconduct at 25 of the largest police and sheriff’s departmentAbteilung; hier: Revierdepartments in the country.


    Police in America have long resisted pressure to change, but there’s one group they can’t ignore — their own insurance companyVersicherungsgesellschaftinsurance companies. Where activists and local politicians have failed, the providers of liability insuranceHaftpflichtversicherungliability insurance to U.S. police departments are demanding changes to dangerous practices, such as high-speed pursuitVerfolgungpursuits. As the cost of insurance has risen sharply, reportedly between 200 and 400 percent since 2019, small and medium-sized police departments, in particular, have little choice but to listen.