Business Spotlight Plus 3/2023: Hörverständnis

    parkour man climbing building to turn off light
    © Mauricio Lima/The New York Times

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    The listening exercises in Business Spotlight Plus (p. 5) are based on the article “Up, up and out” (Names & News, p. 9). Here, we provide you with the audio file and transcript.

    Up, up and out

    Paris is the City of Light, but many people think it shouldn’t be the city of electric light while Europe struggles with an energy crunchKrise, Knappheitcrunch. As in many cities after dark, Paris businesses often have illuminated advertising signs and shopfront windows that are bathed in warm, electric light. Now, a growing movement of young parkour athleteParkour-Athlet(in)parkour athletes is going to great heights to switch the lights off.


    Parkour, a sport that involves running, jumping and climbing over obstacleHindernisobstacles in urban environmenthier: Umgebungenvironments, originated in France but has spread around the world. Parkour athletes are using Spider-Man-like agilityBeweglichkeit, Flinkheitagility to turn off the small emergency switchNotschalteremergency switches found on shopfronts, often three or four metres up. Kevin Ha, the leader of the Paris-...-basedmit Sitz in ...based On The Spot Parkour collective, told The New York Times: “We put our physical abilities to good use.”


    Shop owners may not be happy, but the Lights Off movement has to strike a chord with sb.bei jmdm. auf Anklang stoßenstruck a chord with most people. Even French President Emmanuel Macron has said that Europe is in a new era of “energy sobrietyNüchternheit, Abstinenzsobriety”.