Business Spotlight Plus 2/2022: Hörverständnis

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    The listening exercises in Business Spotlight Plus (p.15) are based on the article “Use it or lose it” (Names & News, p. 7). Here, we provide you with the audio file and transcript.

    Use it or lose it

    A 2021 study suggests that workers who have mentally stimulating jobs may be less likely to develop dementiaDemenzdementia in old age.
    The study, published in The BMJ, used data from previousfrühere(r,s)previous studies that followed more than 100,000 people for an average of 17 years. It compared two groups of people. Those in the first group had jobs that included cognitively demanding tasks and a high level of control over their jobs. Those in the second group had non-cognitively demanding jobs and a low level of control over their jobs. In the first group, 4.8 out of 10,000 people developed dementia as they aged, compared with 7.3 out of 10,000 in the second group.
    Dr Sara Imarisio, head of researchForschungsleiter(in)head of research at Alzheimer’s Research UK, welcomed the study’s results. On Alzheimer’s Research UK’s website, she said that while “not everyone is able to choose the type of work they do … studies like this to highlight sth.etw. hervorhebenhighlight the importance of finding activities that help keep the brain active, whether it’s through work or hobbies”.