Business Spotlight Plus 1/2022: Hörverständnis

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    The listening exercises in Business Spotlight Plus (p.15) are based on the article “Shaping the future” (Names & News, p. 7). Here, we provide you with the audio file and transcript.

    Shaping the future

    Anyone who has watched a Harry Potter movie has seen the work of Jen-Hsun “Jensen” Huang. His company, Nvidia, made a chip called a graphics processing unit (GPU)Grafikprozessorgraphics processing unit (GPU). The GPU makes possible the visual effects in movies such as Harry Potter and Avatar. The Taiwanese American’s ability to guess future trends gave him a place on Time magazine’s 2021 list of the 100 most influential people.​​​

    In 2003, Huang pushed Nvidia to to design sth.etw. konzipierendesign GPUs that do more than make visual effects. His decision was risky at the time. Now, the technology allows phones to answer questions in a human voice and farmers to spray weedUnkrautweeds but not cropAnbau-, Nutzpflanzecrops, for example. “Huang’s gambleWagnis; hier: gewagte Unternehmunggamble to pay offsich lohnenpaid off largely because he is among the world’s most technically savvy (ifml.)erfahren, versiertsavvy CEO (chief executive officer)Firmenchef(in)CEOs,” Andrew Ng, another technology leader, wrote in Time.

    Huang is known as a caring employer, and he gives money to support education in science and technology. In 2008, for example, he gave Stanford University $30 million (€26 million) to build an engineeringTechnikengineering center.