Had enough of your job? Ready for a career change? Or do you simply want to to stand outherausragenstand out in the workplace and finally get that promotion? Then make a plan now to implement our tips for your career.
Join the club
You can’t go wrong with membership of a professional association. Membership can provide you with free or discountedmit Gebührenermäßigungdiscounted courses and conferences and, more importantly, networkingKontaktaufbau und -pflegenetworking opportunities.
Howard Elliot-Jones is a member of the Royal Institution of chartered (UK)hier: zertifiziertChartered Surveyors (RICS) in the UK. “If nothing else, it provides a degree of credibilityGlaubwürdigkeit; hier auch: Vertrauenswürdigkeitcredibility when negotiating,” he says. “It also often opens up new opportunities, particularly as some companies only to recruit sb.jmdn. einstellenrecruit qualified surveyorLandvermesser(in); hier: Immobilienfachkraftsurveyors.” Look out for a similar association for your profession.
pimp sth. (up) (ifml.)etw. aufmotzenPimp your CV
Why should you write your curriculum vitae (CV) yourself, when a professional can help you by doing it better? “One of the key benefits of hiring a CV writer is the external perspective they bring,” says Neville Rose, director of CV Writers, one of the UK’s leading CV writing services.
“It’s important to approach writing a CV from the point of view of the recruiterPersonalreferent(in)recruiter,” he says. “The more you can focus your CV on the specifics an employer is looking for, the better your CV will perform. This can be difficult to do yourself.
Being to be immersed in sth.in etw. versunken sein; hier: eingespannt seinimmersed in your job can make it difficult to approach it from any other way than writing from your own perspective. A CV writer can overcome this and get you thinking more deeply about your achievements and how to quantify these.” Rose recommends starting with a detailed consultation so that the CV writer can understand you better and identify your key strengths.
Sell your value
Seeking a job promotion? Your performance reviewMitarbeiter(jahres)gesprächperformance review might well be the best way to win it. Build up a solid caseArgumentecase to prove your worth, remind your boss of any recent accomplishmentLeistung, Erfolgaccomplishments and show how you contribute to the company’s bottom lineNettoprofit; hier: Unter- nehmenserfolgbottom line.
And start early. Roberta Matuson, president of Matuson Consulting and author of the forthcomingin Kürze erscheinendforthcoming book Evergreen Talent, advises her clients to provide their boss with a self-evaluation several weeks before their review date. “When doing so, be sure to include all of your accomplishments, and to monetize sth.hier: etw. (in Geldwert) beziffernmonetize wherever possible. Also, include one or two areas where you believe you have opportunities for growth,” she told Business Spotlight.
Educate yourself
Take advantage of free online learning courses, such as those provided by Khan Academy, to extend your existing skill setFähigkeitenskill set. Many well-known universities also offer free or cheap online courses. For example, it won’t hurt your CV if you can say you have done a course at Harvard or Cambridge.
Sleep on the job
Afternoon siesta, anyone? A short (to) snoozeSchläfchen; dösen, ein Nickerchen machensnooze of ten to 20 minutes can improve productivity by 30 per cent, benefit your moodStimmungmood and improve your learning ability and your memory, says Christopher Lindholst, CEO of MetroNaps, the maker of special office sleep stations called energy podetwa: Energie-KapselEnergyPods, used by Google and Nasa, among other organizations. Taking three to take a napein Nickerchen machennaps per week has been shown to reduce your chances of cardiovascular diseaseHerz-Kreislauf-Erkrankungcardiovascular disease by almost 50 per cent, Lindholst explains. And it’s a lot easier than going to the gymFitnessstudiogym.
Employees wishing to snooze are to be enclosed in sthhier: es sich in etw. gemütlich gemacht habenenclosed in a comfy (ifml.)bequem, gemütlichcomfy chair and can then be woken up after 20 minutes by music and vibration. The only problem is that an EnergyPod costs between $8,000 and $13,000 (€7,200–€11,800), which may be enough to keep you awake at night.
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