- I was born in Edgware, a north London suburbVorortsuburb, in January 1963.
- My father was a taxi driver. My paternalväterlich; hier: väterlicherseitspaternal grandparents were JewJude/JüdinJews who came to Britain from Romania about 100 years ago.
- As a schoolchild, I was once ranked as Britain’s top junior tennis player. My lack of heighthier: Körpergrößeheight prevented me from to pursue sth.etw. anstreben, verfolgenpursuing tennis as a professional career (I am now 1.68 metres tall).
- I to graduateeinen (Hochschul-)Abschluss machengraduated from the University of Essex in 1985 with a first-class honours degree (UK)Abschluss mit Auszeichnungfirst-class honours degree in government.
- I am married and have three children.
- I am a fan of Arsenal Football Club.
- Before getting a job in politics, I had worked in merchant bankingBankgeschäft mit Firmenkundenmerchant banking and for a lobbying firm.
- I became a member of the British parliament in 1997, when I won the constituencyWahlkreis, -bezirkconstituency of Buckingham for the Conservative Party. I was re-elected in 2001, 2005, 2010, 2015 and 2017.
- During my time in politics, my views changed from being very right-wing to socially liberal.
- I was once described in the Daily Mail newspaper as “preeningsich herausputzend; hier: eitelpreening, sycophantickriecherischsycophantic, short-temperedreizbar, unbeherrschtshort-tempered and grotesque”. On the other hand, I once described the Daily Mail as “sexist, racist, bigotedbigottbigoted”.
- When I began my latest job, in June 2009, I left the Conservative Party. On 9 September this year, I announced my resignation from this job, as of 31 October 2019.
- In 2014, I published a book called Tennis Maestros: The Twenty Greatest Male Tennis Players of All Time.
- From 2009 to 2019, my job involved to facilitate sth.etw. moderieren, leitenfacilitating the discussions of up to 650 men and women, and trying to keep them in order. My job was to be fair and neutral during these discussions — although, of course, not everybody thought I was fair and neutral all the time.
Solution: Who am I?
John Bercow, Speaker of the House of CommonsUnterhausHouse of Commons from June 2009 to October 2019. He became famous worldwide for his shout of “Order! Order!” as he tried to keep control of parliamentary debates — not least over Brexit.

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