Business Spotlight Plus 5/2018: Hörverständnis

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    The listening exercises in Business Spotlight Plus (p.15) are based on the article “The scent of home” (Names & News, p. 9). Here, we provide you with the audio file and transcript.

    The scent of home

    An interest in perfume sth. runs in the familyetw. liegt in der Familieruns in Manan Gandhi’s family. The 32-year-old’s father traded in essential oilätherisches Ölessential oils from Egypt, Indonesia and Turkey. Now, Manan Gandhi has established his own company, Bombay Perfumery.

    Although the perfumes are made in Grasse, France, the scentDuftscents are Indian. Among others, they include black pepper and chai, the traditional sweet tea to be flavoured with etw. aromatisiert seinflavoured with gingerIngwerginger and lemongrass. Gandhi describes the company’s Chai muskMoschusMusk eau de parfum as very “out there (ifml.)hier: ausgefallenout there”, adding: “Maybe a lot of brandMarkebrands would have been to be like (ifml.)hier: sagenlike, ‘No, we don’t want anything to do with that'. But I was like, ‘Yeah, let’s to go aheadhier: sich trauengo ahead — why don’t we explore that direction?’ So it was really fun for [the perfumers] because they had a chance to really to go wildhier: etwas Experimentelles wagengo wild,” he told The New York Times.

    Gandhi plans to expand to European and American markets, but is currently selling his perfumes online and via Indian boutiquekleiner Laden mit modischen Artikelnboutiques. “When we were younger, there was this notionVorstellungnotion that all things luxury were better only if they were European, but now it’s not the case,” he explains. “Most young people now give homegrowneinheimischhomegrown brands a chance — as long as they to ensure sth.etw. gewährleisten, für etw. sorgenensure the quality is there.”