Commuter cosmetics move on

    Business Spotlight Übungsheft 3/2018
    Frauen schminken sich auf einer Zugfahrt
    © nautiluz56/

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    commuterPendler(in)Commuter cosmetics move on

    Do you put your make-up on in the car, bus or train? If so, you’re not alone. According to market researchMarktforschungmarket research, up to 67 per cent of British women put their make-up on during their commutehier: Fahrtcommute to work.

    Cosmetics companies have reacted to the trend by developing products that are easy to use. Australia’s Lipstick Queen, for example, makes a lipstick that can be applied without using a mirror. Meanwhile, poutSchmollmundPout casehier: Etui, HülleCase, a British company, describes itself as “the world’s first beauty phone case”. The new product has a make-up palette that slides down from the back of the handsetMobilteilhandset.

    TV fashion expert Trinny Woodall (What Not to Wear) has introduced a linehier: Produktlinieline of stackablestapelbarstackable products called Trinny London. “I can do my entire make-up in two minutes without a mirror, in between Tube (UK)Londoner U-BahnTube stops,” Woodall says.

    Tokyo’s transport system has tried to stop women from doing their make-up on the movehier: während der Fahrton the move. But it’s likely to be a losing battleverlorenes Unterfangenlosing battle.

    Hollywood star Drew Barrymore recently posted a photo of herself putting on mascara on the New York subway (US)U-Bahnsubway. The Instagram photo was to caption sth.etw. mit einem Untertitel versehencaptioned “#commuterbeauty”.


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