Most employers say they want happy employees. But how do you make workers happy? A good place to start could be by allowing pets in the workplace.
According to a recent study, pet-friendly policies increase company loyalty. They also improve office morale, reduce stress, and remove feelings of guiltSchuldgefühle,
Gewissensbissefeelings of guilt about leaving petHaustierpets at home.
Pet-friendly policies
increase company loyalty, improve office morale and reduce stress
The study of 1,000 employees and 200 HR (human resources) executivePersonalleiter(in)HR executives was done by Banfield Pet Hospital in Vancouver, Washington. Banfield, owned by Mars, Inc. (Incorporated)etwa: AGInc., is the world’s largest general- veterinary practicePraxis; hier: Klinik
verbundpractice. It operates nearly 1,000 hospitals throughout the U.S. and Puerto Rico.
“We believe pet-related benefitZusatzleistungbenefits will continue to rise in popularity among desired workplace benefits,” says Stephanie Neuvirth, head of HR at Banfield. Neuvirth told Employee Benefit News that younger workers are especially interested in working for pet-friendly companies.
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