Business Spotlight Übungsheft 10/2024: Hörverständnis

    a simple house with a family sitting close together in front of it
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    The listening exercises in Business Spotlight Übungsheft (p. 5) are based on the article “Africa's potential” (Names & News, p. 9). Here, we provide you with the audio file and transcript.

    Africa’s potential


    British actor Idris Elba once played the role of former South African president Nelson Mandela. Today, he’s thinking about another African country, Sierra Leone, where his father was born. Elba wants to help turn Sherbro Island, off the coast of Sierra Leone, into a smart citytechnologisch fortschrittliche, grüne und sozial inklusive Stadtsmart city.


    He got involved in the project through a childhood friend, Siaka Stevens, whose grandfather had once been president of Sierra Leone. The pair grew up together in East London. “It’s a dream, you know, but I work in the make-believe businessetwa: Geschäft mit Traumweltenmake-believe business,” the 51-year-old told the BBC. “It’s about bringing an economy that feed oneselfhier: nicht auf finanzielle Hilfe angewiesen seinfeeds itself and has growth potential. I’m very be keen to do sth. (UK)etw. unbedingt tun wollenkeen to reframe sth.etw. neu rahmen; hier: eine neue Ausrichtung gebenreframe the way Africa is viewed.”


    The 600-square-kilometre island will be a special economic zone, with a separate legal system. It will also bring the first wind-powered electricity to Sierra Leone. “Never in my lifetime would I have thought I could build the foundationFundamentfoundation for a new smart city,” Elba says. “I’m not qualified for that, but I am qualified to dream big (ifml.)hier: in großem Ausmaßbig.”