Business Spotlight Plus 5/2022: Hörverständnis

    Medium US
    Avi Schiffmann
    © Courtesy of Avi Schiffmann

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    The listening exercises in Business Spotlight Plus (p.15) are based on the article “Teens’ website matches Ukrainians to hosts” (Names & News, p. 9). Here, we provide you with the audio file and transcript.

    Teens’ website matches Ukrainians to hosts

    Avi Schiffmann could not sleep after going to a demonstration against Russia’s war in Ukraine [ju(kreIn][wg. Aussprache]Ukraine. “I couldn’t stop thinking about what I could do to help,” he told The Washington Post. “I wanted to do something that had an instantsofortiginstant impactWirkungimpact.” Schiffmann, a 19-year-old student at Harvard, had developed a website in 2019 that helps to track sth.etw. (nach)verfolgentrack global cases of Covid-19. That website was so successful that he was named the Webby Person of the Year by Anthony Fauci, the chief medical advisor to the U.S. president. Schiffmann tweeted: “A cool idea would be to set up a website to to match sb. to sb.jmdn. mit jmdm. (einer passenden Person) zusammenbringenmatch Ukrainian refugeeFlüchtlingrefugees to hostGastgeber(in)hosts in neighboring countries.” He and his classmatehier: Kommilitone/ Kommilitoninclassmate, Marco Burstein, an 18-year-old computer coder, created a site and had it translated into 12 languages. Three days later, Ukraine Take shelterSchutz, hier auch: UnterkunftShelter was live. Schiffmann describes it as “a stripped downvereinfacht, abgespecktstripped-down version of Airbnb.” In the first week, more than 4,000 hosts registered. “There have been more than two million refugees,” Schiffmann said. “They all deserve a safe place to stay.”