Business Spotlight Plus 12/2021: Hörverständnis

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    The listening exercises in Business Spotlight Plus (p.15) are based on the article “Comic relief” (Names & News, p. 7). Here, we provide you with the audio file and transcript.

    Comic relief

    “I can do this all day… Let’s see who to blinkblinzelnblinks first,” to tweetTwitter-Nachricht; twitterntweeted Bulgarian comic-book illustrator Alex Maleev in August 2021. What should have been a quick call to Lufthansa airlines had turned into a three-day ordealhier: Geduldsprobeordeal.
    At the start of the Covid-19 pandemic, airlines reduced staff because few people were travelling. By summer 2021, more customers were flying again — and also calling because the travel rules were constantly changing. But the airlines didn’t have enough staff to answer calls. “We are to do one’s utmostsich nach allen Kräften bemühendoing our utmost to increase our capacities,” Lufthansa spokeswomanSprecherinspokeswoman Christina Semmel told The Wall Street Journal at the time.
    Maleev didn’t get angry about the wait times, however. In the three days of hour-long calls it took him to speak to a Lufthansa agent, he drew Marvel Comics superheroes, which he posted on Twitter. In a tweet, he thanked Lufthansa for giving him time to practise his professional skills. “I hope you used that time to to do likewisedasselbe tundo likewise,” he added.