Business Spotlight Plus 9/2021: Hörverständnis

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    The listening exercises in Business Spotlight Plus (p.15) are based on the article “Blessing the brewery” (Names & News, p. 7). Here, we provide you with the audio file and transcript.

    Blessing the brewery

    After more than 200 years, beer is again being made in Grimbergen abbeyAbteiAbbey in Belgium. Carlsberg, one of the world’s largest beer makers, has spent millions of euros to reopen the ancient(ur)alt, historischancient breweryBrauereibrewery. The Danish company wants to to compete with sb./ jmdm./ etw. konkurrierencompete with the smaller breweries that customers are turning to. “It’s very important for our growth, now and in the future,” CEO (chief executive officer)Geschäftsführer(in)CEO Cees ’t Hart said at the brewery’s opening celebration in May 2021. The brewery will first make three kinds of beers inspired by the recipeRezept(ur)recipes found in the abbey library. For example, one beer will use the kind of smoked maltRauchmalzsmoked malt used hundreds of years ago. The priests living in the abbey have to bless sth.etw. segnen; hier auch: (lob)preisenblessed the brewery. The money they receive from Carlsberg will pay for the priests’ charitablekaritativcharitable work. They also make the final decision on the beers. Carlsberg brewer Marc-Antoine Sochon proudly told The Wall Street Journal: “We have a full panelGremiumpanel of tasters right here.”