Business Spotlight Plus 2/2021: Hörverständnis

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    The listening exercises in Business Spotlight Plus are based on the article “The B to C scientist?” (Names & News, p. 7). Here, we provide you with the audio file and transcript.

    The B to C scientist

    In 2015, Nobel Prize-winning Sir Venki Rama­krishnan, 68, became the president of the Royal Society, the UK’s national academy of sciences. The molecular biologist had hoped to spend his five-year termAmtszeitterm, which ended in December 2020, making the UK scientific community more international. Then came what he calls the “total distractionAblenkungdistractions” of Brexit and Covid.

    Ramakrishnan had to spend his term dealing with the effects Brexit might have on UK scientists and advising the government on how to deal with Covid-19. He couldn’t do everything he had hoped, but he was able to secure the rights of
    researchers with EU citizenship to stay in Britain after Brexit. He also put in place a plan to make it easier for UK organizations to to recruit sb.jmdn. anwerben, einstellenrecruit international researcherForscher(in)researchers. “I’ll be called the B to C president rather than A to Z,” the scientist joked to the Financial Times, “because I was only able to get from Brexit to Covid.”