Gender bias and pronouns

    Business Spotlight Übungsheft 3/2020
    Illustration mit verschiedenen Männern und Frauen
    Von Deborah Capras

    In the Grammar section of Business Spotlight 3/20, we look at how to use the right pronouns to avoid gender bias. Here you can practise!


    Be consistent!

    There are a number of ways to avoid gender bias, but you should try to be consistent in your choice:

    Inconsistent: Each applicant needs to submit his or her CV and specify their salary requirement by Friday.
    Consistent, but not very elegant: Each applicant needs to submit his or her CV and specify his or her salary requirement by Friday.
    Best: Each applicant needs to submit their CV and specify their salary requirement by Friday.

    Use plurals!

    If it doesn’t alter the meaning unacceptably, consider replacing singular subjects and objects with plural ones, changing the verb forms as necessary in the process: Applicants need to submit their CV and specify their salary requirement by Friday.


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