
    Business Spotlight Übungsheft 3/2020
    Frau Im Wald
    © demaerre/iStock.com

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    Transcript: Hike-rodosing

    Feeling uninspired at work? Take a walk in the woods. Better yet, invite Paul Austin to join you. Austin is a psychedelicsPsychedelikapsychedelics coach: He teaches people how to use psychedelic drugs to zo level up in sth.bei/in etw. aufsteigen, ein höheres Niveau erreichenlevel up in their careers.

    Long associated with the hippie movement of the 1960s, psychedelic drugs such as LSD and “magic mushrooms” have been making a comeback in the workplace. The trend is called “microdosing” — taking tiny doses of a drug in an effort to to boost sth.etw. steigernboost creativity and performance.

    Austin leads his clients, who have already taken a microdose of their drug of choice, on meandering walketwa: zielloser Spaziergang  (to meander: sich schlängeln)meandering walks in the woods near Silicon Valley, California. He calls it “hike-rodosingetwa: Wandern unter leichtem Drogeneinflusshike-rodosing.” During the walk, the conversation sounds much like an ordinary coaching session, but, as Austin told the BBC, he believes the psychedelics to enhance sth.etw. verbessern, fördernenhance the process. “Why are we doing what we’re doing? Why does the work that we’re doing matter to us? I think psychedelics are really helping people with that process more than anything.”

    Paul Austin would be happy to guide your inspirational walk in the woods. You need only to commit to sth.für etw. (verbindlich) zusagencommit to at least three months of coaching at $1,000–$2,000 (about €900–€1,800) a month. And swallow a dashSchuss, Prise; hier: sehr geringe Mengedash of magic mushroomPilzmushrooms, of course.

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