Business Spotlight Plus 1/2020: Hörverständnis

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    The listening exercises in Business Spotlight Plus (p.15) are based on the article “Spider woman” (Names & News, p. 9). Here, we provide you with the audio file and transcript.

    Spider woman

    “Women are to be equal to sth.etw. gewachsen seinequal to everything,” states the coat of armsWappencoat of arms Brenda Hale chose when she joined the House of Lords in 2004. In September, wearing a huge spider broochBroschebrooch that nearly stole the show, she stopped Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s attempt to to suspend sth.etw. aussetzen; hier: in einen Zwangsurlaub schickensuspend parliament.
    Lady Hale is the president of the UK’s Supreme CourtOberster GerichtshofSupreme Court and has been called “the legal profession’s Beyoncé”. Though she only recently became a household nameallseits bekannter Namehousehold name, Lady Hale has long been a recognizable figure in the UK. She was a judge in a special edition of the television cooking show MasterChef, has appeared in Vogue magazine and is the subject of a new children’s book (see p. 81).
    “What’s notableauffallendnotable is that she to infuse sth. with sth.hier: einer Sache etw. verleiheninfuses her approach to judging with a clear element of humanity,” Erika Rackley, a law professor at the University of Kent, told the Financial Times. Lady Hale has supported no-fault divorceEhescheidung ohne Schuldprinzipno-fault divorce and recognized domestic abuseMisshandlungabuse as more than physical assaulttätlicher Angriff, Körperverletzungphysical assault. Her widespread celebrity, however, has come only months before she reaches mandatory retirement age, in January 2020, when she turns 75.