Clearing the air

    Business Spotlight Übungsheft 4/2025
    a woman and a man speaking with each other and their dialogue boxes are puzzle pieces which do not fit
    © iStock
    Von Dagmar Taylor

    The following exercise is based on the article “Clear the air” (Career Coach, p. 39). Here, we provide you with the transcript.

    Clear the air


    Team-building activities are popular, as facing challenges together improves teamwork and strengthens mutual support. However, how does the team react when conflict arises? Do you learn how to deal with conflict when you’re involved in one? I’m not so sure. Part of my role as coach is helping teams feel confident and skilled in dealing with conflicts before they escalate.


    Tension can lead to conflict if ignored. Addressing this early prevents time-consuming problems and builds competence. By practising how to raise uncomfortable issues, teams become better at handling disagreements constructively. My recommendation is to regularly work through tensions together. Here’s an idea of how to do that.


    The Clear-the-Air (CTA) method

    Inspired by non-violent communication, this ­method involves appreciative communication in which your own needs and feelings have a place and the relationship remains intact, even during hard conversations. CTA creates a safe space for teams to express frustrations, release tension and deepen relationships.


    1. Checking in

    Begin with a quick check-in round and ask everyone: What are the problems? What do people regret? This sets a tone of openness and helps people get used to sharing their thoughts and feelings.


    2. Make a list of issues

    Each team member writes down the tensions they feel. For each tension, note: who raised the issue; the intensity (on a scale of 1 to 10); how many people are affected (names not required). List the issues in descending order of intensity.


    3. Work through the issues

    Starting with the highest-intensity issue, the person who raised it explains it, while everyone else demonstrates a critical skill — active listening — by listening and then paraphrasing what they’ve heard:

    • Repeat what you understood in your own words.
    • Allow the other person to explain or correct.

    Once mutual understanding is confirmed, the second person shares their perspective. The process is repeated: listen, paraphrase, respond.


    A facilitator makes sure the process is followed. No one should jump straight to their point of view without first paraphrasing — otherwise, that’s just an argument. Encourage everyone to recognize and reflect on any needs or emotions shared. This step continues until both parties feel heard and understood.


    Resolving the issue isn’t always necessary during this process. Often, the real breakthrough comes simply from expressing feelings and reaching an understanding. However, you can agree on follow-up actions if needed.


    4. Appreciation

    Once all the issues have been addressed, have a round of appreciation to reframe the experience positively. Ask:

    • What has someone in the team done that I am grateful for?
    • What do I like most about working together?

    Let everyone share, but keep it short. It’s about reinforcing the value of open dialogue.


    5. Checking out

    Finish with a quick check-out round. Everyone should take turns answering a final question: What needs to be said to leave this meeting on a good note? (“Nothing” is a valid answer.)


    Why it works

    This method prevents tension from snowballing into conflict. It also fosters trust. Team members learn to listen, understand and respect each other. With practice, the fear of conflict diminishes.


    It’s important to plan enough time to work through issues, and the facilitator must have experience with non-violent communication or similar conflict frameworks. Discussions can get heated, and a skilled facilitator is needed to keep things on track. 


    The more you use the CTA method, the more natural it becomes. Building a culture in which potential conflicts are addressed openly and constructively grows trust, and strengthens relationships and teamwork. This has real benefits. After all, different points of view and open debate are the seeds of innovation and progress.


    Non-violent communication

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