How many verbs, adjectives and nouns do you know that sound natural with “team”? Take a closer look at our overview of collocations with this word and learn how to use them.
verb + “a team”
to build a teamein Team aufbauenbuild a team
to coordinate a teamein Team koordinierencoordinate a team
to disband a teamein Team auflösendisband a team
to form a teamein Team bildenform a team
to join a teamsich einem Team anschließenjoin a team
to lead a teamein Team leitenlead a team
to leave a teamein Team verlassenleave a team
to run a teamein Team leitenrun a team
adjective + “a team”
multidisciplinary teammultidisziplinäres Teammultidisciplinary
virtual teamvirtuelles Teamvirtual
winning teamGewinnerteamwinning
Disbanding the team
Nate: It’s awful that Matt will leave the team next month.
Jill: When he joined the team, we became a winning team.
Nate: That’s true. He’s one of the few people who know how to run a virtual team.
“team” + noun
team-buildingTeamentwicklung, -aufbauteam-building
team developmentTeamentwicklungteam development
team effortTeamarbeit, gemeinsame Anstrengungteam effort
team familiarityVertrautheit innerhalb des Teamsteam familiarity
team leaderTeamleiter(in)team leader
team meetingTeambesprechung, -sitzungteam meeting
team memberTeammitglied; Teamkollege/-kolleginteam member
team playerteamfähige Person, Teamplayerteam player
team spiritTeamgeistteam spirit
noun + “team”
development teamEntwicklungsteamdevelopment team
dream teamTraumteamdream team
management teamFührungsteammanagement team
research teamForschungsteamresearch team
sales teamVerkaufs-, Vertriebsteamsales team
No dream team?
Jill: So, does every team member have to participate in team-building?
Nate: Yes. Since Matt left, I feel we’ve lost our team spirit. He was a real team player, and we miss that.
Vertiefen Sie dieses Thema mit einer Übung und einem Audio-Beitrag:
Wortschatzübung: Know your team
The language of teamwork
In unserem Skill-Up-Booklet zum Thema „Teamwork” finden Sie nützliche Vokabeln und Wendungen, anschauliche Dialoge sowie Erklärungen zur Grammatik. Das handliche Booklet ist in jeder Ausgabe von Business Spotlight 1/19 enthalten. Sie können die Zeitschrift natürlich bequem in unserem Shop bestellen.