Paid social media

    Business Spotlight Audio 7/2022
    Lyonel Dougé, the founder of TipSnaps
    © Tipsnaps

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    Talitha Linehan: So, tell me about the to launch (sth.)Start, (Markt-) Einführung, etw. starten, lancierenlaunch of TipSnaps. I know you launched in 2017. What was involved in that?

    Lyonel Dougé: The idea came to me in 2016, kind of scrolling through social media, just kind of recognizing that there are everyday people going from a hundred to five thousand to 50,000 to 100,000 to a million followers overnight — not overnight, but over several months, which is kind of overnight. And it’s happening en masse. It’s not just one or two people here and there. It’s like thousands and thousands of people. And back then, the term “influencer” wasn’t really broadlyhier: allgemein, eigentlichbroadly a term. It was a term, but not really a household termallgemein bekannter Begriffhousehold term

    And then the term creator was definitely not a term. And so, my vision was like these everyday people, whether it’s a fitness trainer, a bartender, a musician or whatever — they can to monetize sth.etw. zu Geld machenmonetize their fanbase. And so, my vision was I need to build a version of Instagram that has a paywall. That was like what I told myself. And I’m like (ifml.)ich sageI’m like, “That would be huge.” I knew it would be huge, and I just said, “Well, I’m going to start building, nights and weekends.” So, for about eight months, I just was coding in this room. I didn’t have any kids at that time and, you know, about eight months later, I was in a place ready to launch. 

    I went live in March of 2017. I literallybuchstäblichliterally started DMing (direct messaging) people, saying, “Hey, you have like a million followers. You have no link in your bio (back then that wasn’t a thing). You’re not promoting a product.” Not every influencer is business savvy (ifml.)versiertsavvy enough to, like, talk to a Target or a Disney and get a deal, right? And it’s like, “Well, what else can I do with all these followers? Maybe I could get, like, an event to schedule sth.etw. anberaumenscheduled — like somebody who wants to pay me to come to an event, but aside from that, I don’t know any other monetization routes.” And I’m like, “This is for you.” And so, we got one fitness trainer with a million followers within a week of being live. And that led to a network effect. Basically, other people, all her followers were, like, “What is this TipSnaps thing?” And so that’s how we were able to kind of to bootstrapetw. aus eigenen Kräften schaffenbootstrap to from zero to fast-forward, you know, now to basically half a million registered users. You know, I didn’t spend money in paid media. I didn’t have any big grand partnerships with any media company. It was just me.

    Talitha: It’s kind of surprising to me that people are willing to pay for social media content. So, I’m like, why do people do that? There’s so much available out there for free. 

    Lyonel: Ultimately, it comes down to superfans or true fans. You know, someone with a million followers has what we typically think is 0.5 to one percent of your fanbase would to subscribe to sb.jmdn. abonnierensubscribe to you at least once. And then, depending on how good you are of a creator, meaning your frequency of posting, the quality of your content, you will get resubscriptionerneutes Abonnementresubscriptions, and you should hit around, like, a 60 to 70 percent resubscription rate, if you do, like, what we say, which is, like, post multiple times a week, make sure your content is longer on your premium versus your free. So, the idea is, like, if you do hair tutorial(Anleitungs-)Seminartutorials on YouTube and you upload one tutorial a week, upload a 60-second kind of teaserAufmacherteaser on YouTube or maybe two minutes, but then upload the ten-minute clip on TipSnaps or behind your paywall. And, yeah, there are many people who will pay for that because they love ’em. It’s hard to to engage on sth.sich auf etw. einlassenengage on a platform like Instagram, where somebody has a million followers. If you DM them, they’re not going to reply. But if you subscribe to them, they might reply. 

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