On leadership and motivation

    Business Spotlight 5/2019
    Illustration: Mitarbeiter und größer dargestellte Führungsperson, die jeweils den Daumen nach oben strecken
    © Yann Bastard

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    Transcript: On leadership and motivation

    Now let’s look at some words that you will find useful when motivating staff. I’ll give you a description. You will then hear two words, a) and b). In the pause, choose the word that best matches the description. Then you will hear the correct answer and an example of the word used in a sentence. There is then a pause for you to repeat the example sentence. Good. We’ll start.

    1. “Not having any interest in anything at work”. What is this?
    a) Boredom
    b) Disinterest
    a) is correct. If you aren’t interested in anything, you experience “boredom”. To be “disinterested” means to be neutral. Listen and repeat.
    There were complaints of boredom because the training programme was too easy.

    2. OK. Next one. “Something that must be dealt with before other things”. What is this?
    a) A prior engagement
    b) A priority
    b) is correct. Something that must be dealt with before other things is a “priority”. A “prior engagement” is an arrangement that you have already made. Listen and repeat.
    Writing this report is my top priority.

    3. Next one. A “positive feeling as a result of getting or doing what you like”. What is this?
    a) Motivation
    b) Fulfilment
    b) is correct. “Fulfilment” is a positive feeling as a result of getting or doing what you like. Listen and repeat.
    I find great fulfilment in most aspects of my work.

    4. OK. Next one. “appreciationAnerkennung, WertschätzungAppreciation of someone’s achievements”. What is this?
    a) Recognition
    b) Status
    a) is correct. Appreciation of someone’s achievements is “recognition”. Listen and repeat.
    He gained recognition as an IT expert.

    5. Next one. To “make a situation that is negative less bad”. What is this?
    a) To promote a situation
    b) To alleviate a situation
    b) is correct. If you “alleviate a situation”, you make it less bad. Listen and repeat.
    By giving Jean some help, we were able to alleviate her stress.

    6. OK, next one. “The feeling you have when you cannot achieve what you want”. What is this?
    a) frustration
    b) impatience
    a) is correct. “Frustration” is the feeling you have when you cannot achieve what you want. Listen and repeat.
    Try not to let your frustration about this affect the rest of your work.

    7. Next one. To “not do as well as you could”. What is this?
    a) To underestimate
    b) To underperform
    b) is correct. To “underperform” is to not do as well as you could. Listen and repeat.
    If staff are demotivated, they will often underperform.

    8. OK, last one. “Something that you accept as true without proof”. What is this?
    a) An assumption
    b) A theory
    a) is correct. An “assumption” is something that you accept as true without proof. Listen and repeat.
    It’s easy to make wrong assumptions about people from a different culture.

    Good, well done. If you found that to be difficult, go back and do the exercise again — and learn any words you did not know


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