Don't confuse

    Business Spotlight Audio 3/2023
    red curtain on theater stage
    © Gwen King/
    Von Hildegard Rudolph

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    In this exercise, you’ll hear a sentence with a beep. In the pause, decide whether you need “scenery” or “scenario” instead of the beep. Then, you’ll hear the correct sentence again. Ready?


    1.       The most likely [beep] is that interest rateZinssatzinterest rates will reach a new record high.

    • The most likely scenario is that interest rates will reach a new record high.

    2.       The [beep] in the south of the country was spectacular.

    • The scenery in the south of the country was spectacular.

    3.       The [beep] in this show was breathtaking.

    • The scenery in this show was breathtaking.

    4.      There are two beeps in the next sentence. Another hurricane would be a nightmareAlbtraumnightmare [beep], as it would completely destroy the beautiful [beep].

    • Another hurricane would be a nightmare scenario, as it would completely destroy the beautiful scenery.

    Did you choose the right words to complete the sentences? If not, go back and try this exercise again.

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